Hi, I have a problem with \startitemize ... \stopitemize. Sometimes (I have no idea when, but this effect is fully repeatable!) I get a page break just before a \startitemize. It is nested (second level) and follows one line of another item at the 1st level. It seems that adding [intro] won't help. The problem occurs with [columns,two]; I don't know whether this has any influence - when I change the setup (in the preamble) the page breaks fall in different places, and all my 2nd level itemizations are 2nd level (and I have quite a lot of them). Any ideas? I know that the above is rather vague, but it's difficult to prepare a minimal example etc. Also, Hans, do I get it correctly that the itemization code will get rewritten in MkIV? If yes, is there any chance of having unpacked itemizations in 2 and more columns? And any chance of having an explicit column break (or a preference) in multicolumn itemizations? Thanks & greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) #### #### #### _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ ## ## ## ## ## ## | \ | / \ | \ / \ | \ | / \ | \ / \ | #### #### #### |_/ | | | | | | | |_/ | | | | | | | | ## ## ## ## ## ## | \ | |--| | | |--| | \ | |--| | | |--| | #### #### #### |_/ | | | |__/ | | / |_/ | | | |__/ | | .