Hi, either I set an \index{foo} in front of the word it refers to, or after that word: The second can lead to wrong line wrapping when a full stop follows (see Case 1), and the first can lead into a line ending with a space before wrapping (see Case 2). :o( Is there a third option? Thanks, Steffen ------- \showframe \setupbodyfont[times,10pt]\setupinterlinespace[line=12pt] \definetolerancemethod [horizontal] [MySpace] {\spaceskip3.02pt plus1.99998pt minus1.0pt\relax} \setupalign[line,block,hanging] \setuptolerance[MySpace] \setupindenting[10pt,yes] \definepapersize[stw][width=14.7cm,height=22.3cm] \setuppapersize[stw][stw] \setuplayout [width=113mm,height=572pt, backspace=17mm,topspace=17mm, header=12pt,headerdistance=6pt, footer=36pt,footerdistance=0pt, location=middle,marking=off] \starttext {\em Case 1: line wrap before dot} \noindent dieses ist dabei typisch für den Bereich der Architekten- oder Ingenieurleistungen\index{Ingenieurleistungen}. Warum? \blank {\em Case 2: line wrap after visible space} Bei den Grünen werden neben den beiden Fraktionsvorsitzenden, Renate \index{Künast}Künast und Jürgen Trittin ... \stoptext