Dear Readers, I have been playing about with METAFUN over the last few days trying to get a feel for it. I was wondering if it is possible to save the graphics produced in a context document for use outside. On looking at the Metapost manual I see you can using the following commands save a graphic as an svg file. /outputformat := "svg"; / /outputtemplate := "test.svg";/ // I have tried adding this to some MPcode in a ConteXt document but these lines seem to be ignored since no svg file is produced apart from the usual ConTeXt files. Is this expected behaviour? I have been able to get svg files using mpost on the command line. Here is a minimum working example (which I'm sure could be coded more elegantly): /\starttext/ // /\startMPcode/ // /outputformat := "svg";/ // /outputtemplate := "test.svg";/ // /beginfig(1)/ // /randomseed:= uniformdeviate infinity;/ // /path pat;/ // /x:=uniformdeviate(5);/ // /y:=uniformdeviate(5);/ // /pat:=(x,y);/ // /for i = 1 upto 5:/ // /a:=uniformdeviate(5);/ // /b:=uniformdeviate(5);/ // /pat := pat...(a,b);/ // /endfor;/ // /pat:=pat..(0,5);/ // /draw pat scaled 10pt;/ // /picture pic;/ // /pic:=currentpicture;/ // /endfig;/ // /\stopMPcode/ // /\stoptext/ Best Wishes Keith //