12 Jun
12 Jun
1:27 a.m.
Thanks a lot, that did it! Daniel ----- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ----- Von: "Wolfgang Schuster" schuster.wolfgang@googlemail.com Erhalten: 11.06.2012 16:10 An: daniel.schopper@aon.at Am 11.06.2012 um 15:25 schrieb HermannSchopper: Hi Wolfgang, thanks for the quick fix! Unfortunately now the "paragraph" parameter in \setupnote[footnote][location=text,paragraph=yes] is ignored while it is working with location=page... You need \setupnote[…][paragraph=yes] and \setupnotation[…][display=no] (best add also “alternative=serried”) to have footnote etc. as a single paragraph. \setupnote [footnote][location=text,paragraph=yes] \setupnotation[footnote][display=no,alternative=serried] Wolfgang