Dear list, the latest version of LMTX can digitally sign PDF documents. It requires OpenSSL installed (since it does the crypto part). I have two issues that I would like to be tested by others. A sample certificate may be found at https://mailman.ntg.nl/archives/list/ntg-context@ntg.nl/message/ECSXLVMT3TMQ... (I sent it myself). Here is a sample document (actually provided by Hans): \setupinteraction[state=start] \definefield[signature][signed] \defineoverlay[signature][my signature] \starttext \startTEXpage[offset=1ts,frame=on,framecolor=darkblue] sign: \inframed[background=signature,framecolor=darkred] {\fieldbody[signature][width=3cm,option=hidden]} \stopTEXpage \stoptext After compiling the sample, you need to run: mtxrun --script pdf --sign --certificate=c.pfx --password=ABCabc doc.pdf Password will be prompted again ("ABCabc"), since it is an encrypted certificate (also for the public part). Could anyone confirm the following issues? 1. The signature I get is wrong, unless I apply this patch (https://mailman.ntg.nl/archives/list/dev-context@ntg.nl/message/T3OCKVZWTUTI... [sent by myself to the devel list]). 2. I cannot get any signature display in Acrobat. Does any PDF viewer (I have tested this with pdfsig from poppler and MuPDF-GL) display the digital signature at all? Many thanks for your help, Pablo