On 06/07/2017 10:09 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 6/7/2017 7:02 AM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
[...] If I runt "mtxrunjit --autogenerate --script check b.tex", I get the following message:
no error
Is there no way to check also the files loaded by the main source?
i just run that command from the editor (configured under a key) so i can use it when editing a file
Hans, I have just discovered the command (thanks to the kind help of Idris), so I still have to experiment with it. First of all, many thanks for the command (method, or whatever it should be called). It is really useful. In my real-world issue, the tool it spotted my mistake (a non-closed \startnotmode nested in \startmode and followed by another \startmode). My previous reply came before having used the checking method.
(but i have to admit that i normally just run files and redo after fixing an error, running is fast enough)
My question here isn’t about speed. If a source may load twenty source files and it actually loads five source files, the problem is having to check the files individually. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk