Have you played with the different "methods" defined in sort-ini.lua, lines 96-103?
Many thanks for your reply, Thomas.
The right values seem to be {zm, zc}. This works fine with Spanish and French, […]
Even with {zm, zc} or any of the predefined methods I don’t really think it is working completely as expected, even though the problem might just occur in very special cases: \setupregister[method={zm, zc}] \starttext \startTEXpage[offset=2em] \index{káv} \index{kav} \index{káva} \index{kava} \index{káf} \index{kaf} \index{káfa} \index{kafa} \index{kaka} \index{káka} \placeindex[language=es] \stopTEXpage \stoptext gives kaf kafa káf káfa kaka káka kav kava káv káva though I’d think it would be correct/logical to sort: kaf káf kafa káfa kaka káka kav káv kava káva It there a way to get this result with „methods“ or would I need to modify the sort-rules? (The example words are not Spanish, obviously, but Icelandic/Faroese, which I am trying to correct/set up. But I’d imagine that the same would be the desired behaviour for Spanish and languages with similar traditions, too, wouldn’t it?) Best Florian. ____________________________________________ Florian Grammel Copenhagen, Denmark