Taco Hoekwater
The fact that the name "cmsy10.pfb" is discovered means that there is a mapfile line for "cmsy10 CMSY10
Right, in my message I had also suspected the same file:
Among the many map files that are read in, only original-public-lm.map
mentions cmsy10.pfb, and it contains this mapping:
cmsy10 CMSY10
I'm attaching a fixed original-public-lm.map.
I just tested with this fixed file, and my small test file compiles fine. However, the longer file from which it came (100+-page math textbook) fails because it cannot find cmex10.pfb. I'll do some more debugging on the longer file to make a minimal (sorry) test. -Sanjoy `Until lions have their historians, tales of the hunt shall always glorify the hunters.' --African Proverb