No, cow.pdf is in the default location and is found with no problem when tagging is off or the setlayer is moved out of the setup. The Lua error does not occur with most commands, but does occur with external figures. -- Rik On 2017-10-09 12:32, Floris van Manen wrote:
if i omit the line with the \externalfigure it does work is that cow.pdf missing?
On 9 Oct 2017, at 18:11, Rik Kabel
wrote: Consider the following almost-minimal example:
\setuptagging [state=start] \setuppapersize [A6] \setupexternalfigures[location=default] \definemakeup [cover4][page=left,doublesided=no] \definelayer [isbn][width=\pagewidth,height=\pageheight] \define \Title {A Primer on Omphaloskepsis} \startsetups [placeisbn] \setlayer [isbn][preset=rightbottom,hoffset=5mm,voffset=5mm] {\externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=3cm]} \stopsetups \starttext \setupbackgrounds [page][setups=placeisbn,background=isbn] \startmakeup [cover4] \scale [width=\textwidth] {\red \Title} \stopmakeup \stoptext For me (Win64, current standalone beta), compilation halts with:
lua error > lua error on line 4 in file C://Users/rik/Desktop/xxx.tex:
...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-exp.lua:823: attempt to index local 'spec' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/back-exp.lua:823: in function <...ext/tex/texmf-context/tex/conte xt/base/mkiv/back-exp.lua:818> (It always points to line 4 of the file, no matter the file.) When the halt is answered with a CR, the processing runs to completion with no apparent errors. When the first line is removed, or the state set to stop, compilation completes normally.
When the content of the setup (the two-line \setlayer) is moved out of the setup, compilation completes normally (without regard to tagging).
(I use a setup here because, in the real work on which this is based, there are other items in the layer that cannot be properly handled until after \starttext processing.