Hi, I have done a little with Context but I am still a beginner. As I can read in the archive of this list, there is no possibility to divide the bibliography into sections by the generated bibliography. If this assumption is true, I would like to enter the bibitems into the normal .tex-file. I was also reading the doc of the context-bib-module but I couldn't find any context-replacement for \bibitem. Headings inside the bibliography are very important for my text and the advantages of bibitem would simplify my data-entering, so I would be happy for any hint/help how to realize this in Context. I don't want to go back to Latex but to declare my problem better: In Latex a simplified example looks like: \begin{document} \section{hamha} asdfklsj fk\cite{key-1} \section{dumdidim} asdfsaff alfs hfdsj\cite{key-2} \begin{thebibliography}{1} \subsection*{hamha} \bibitem{key-1}erstes \subsection*{dumdidim} \bibitem{key-2}zweites \end{thebibliography} \end{document}