Am 23.03.2011 um 17:23 schrieb Cecil Westerhof:
I am still experimenting. With the default ' is reasonably displayed, but ` not. I liked palatino, but then even ' is not displayed nicely. What is the best (standard installed) font where both ' and ` are good displayed?
How do you define a standard font, the list of available differes with the used TeX distribution (TeX Live or context minimals) and your Openrating System. I made a short document with a few fonts: http://d.pr/h5tE Source: \newcounter\FontTestCounter \define[1]\FontTest {\increment\FontTestCounter \definetypeface[mainface-\FontTestCounter][rm][specserif][#1] \switchtobodyfont[mainface-\FontTestCounter] \title{#1} \startpacked ` Backtick\par ' Apostrophe\par ‘ Open curly quote\par ’ Close curly quote\par - hyphen\par – en dash\par — em dash \stoppacked \blank “Quote” and „quote“ and «more quotes»} \starttext \FontTest{Aller} … \stoptext Wolfgang