Thanks again for helping. I'm happy to say that I'm almost home free. The trick was to go via .vpl-files and edit them. The missing glyphs were somewhere in the table, I could simply copy and paste them in the right position; I then added ligatures for all the accents/breathings etc and finally kerning information. I then used vptovf to produce a matching tfm, and everything worked as expected; even the "space" has micraculously reappeared. Strangely, when I put the resulting .vf-file into my "fonts/vf"-folder, TeX would go haywire; this means that I couldn't use any remapping in the fonts. I had to cut a few corners, it is just a "quick-and-dirty" fix, but it works!!! I've learnt more about fonts than I ever wanted, but I now have (almost) real control; I even managed to replace one character I didn't like with its counterpart from another font (and then edit this new character to perfection in pfaedit, a really amazing tool). One last (little) problem; maybe one of you has an idea: since I couldn't remap, I have trouble producing a single breathing in front of a capital letter. I helped myself by defining \define\<{\getglyph{greeoxon}{96}}, so I could at least use \