22 Apr
22 Apr
2:03 p.m.
Dne četrtek 22. aprila 2010 ob 20:54:12 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a):
The module apparently also changed 'in drugi' into 'in ostali' all on its own?
No, that was me making a sloppy example :P
Anyway, using {~in ostali} will likely work. If it does not, please try for a complete test file.
Workes, thanks :] BTW, should I use the tilde also in other similar commands? e.g. lastnamesep={~in }, instead of lastnamesep={ in }, Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 www: http://matija.suklje.name xmpp: matija.suklje@gabbler.org