24 Nov
24 Nov
4:06 a.m.
On Wed, 23 Nov 2011, Pavneet Arora wrote:
This didn't quite achieve what I was looking for. I was hoping for the formatting of circuit 4 in the output file test.pdf, rather than what was produced for circuit 8. I modified the definition of \spare so that by default a 15A breaker is assumed unless otherwise specified.
A slightly ugly solution. \def\unusedbTD {\dosingleempty\dounusedbTD} \def\dounusedbTD[#1]% {\bTD[foregroundstyle=type,background=color, backgroundcolor=gray,frame=off] [Unused] } and then use \bTD [nr=2] 8 \eTD \unusedbTD[nr=2] \eTD You can also look at xtables for an easier way to change settings of cell. Aditya