21 Dec
21 Dec
7:12 p.m.
On Dec 21, 2005, at 18:34, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Hans van der Meer wrote:
Why are the o's colliding?
They shouldn't, but ...
font shown to be Courier Truetype (Macintosh OSX).
And why is the fount Courier instead of the expected ComputerModern SansSerif?
I assume your previewer doesn't know how to display ec-lmss12, so it uses the font it has rigged as a last resort: Courier.
Try running mptopdf on test-1.1 before starting the previewer.
Solves this problem. I was using Apples Preview application (Mac OSX), which clearly fails here. LMRoman now shows up in Adobe Reader and o's behave as they should. yours sincerely, dr. H. van der Meer