1 Apr
1 Apr
3:43 p.m.
Available for Debian... deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org/ unstable main Runs much faster under linux than under Windows on the very same machine. This version on linux even loads complicated graphics faster than okular! However, I already seem to have found a bug: the cover page of cont-enp.pdf (http://mirror.contextgarden.net/general/manuals/cont-enp.pdf) is twice too long with extra white space on the bottom half of the extra-long page (or is this a pdf bug in the manual?). Alan On Wednesday 01 April 2009 15:10:06 Martin Schröder wrote:
2009/4/1, luigi scarso
: http://blogs.adobe.com/acroread/2009/03/adobe_reader_91_for_linux_and.htm l
Get it. Now. It has a reload shortcut. :-)