On Tue, Jun 15, 2021 at 9:13 AM Hans Hagen
On 6/15/2021 12:21 AM, Richard Mahoney wrote:
Thank you very much for this Hans. And especially for resolving what looks like quite a complex issue in next to no time.
As it happens I've found LMTX just fine for "production", so long as I keep copies of a few versions that I know are working well.
I settled on SciTE a long time ago and tend to keep a few start up scripts that make reverting to a previous version simple:
-r-x------ 1 rbm49 rbm49 210 Dec 20 16:54 SciTE-start-lmtx-20200920.sh -r-x------ 1 rbm49 rbm49 210 Jun 13 22:04 SciTE-start-lmtx-20210509.sh -rwx------ 1 rbm49 rbm49 210 Jun 15 08:50 SciTE-start-lmtx-latest.sh
btw, When testing your example I noticed that sumatra pdf (which i use as viewer) doesn't handle selecting the cjk text well. I looked at the source (on github) and get the impression that it might be some font bbox issue (these asian fonts have hugee bboxes); (also old) acrobat and browsers do fine as does an old windows okular I have installed.
Does anyone know of a minimalistic mupdf based pdf viewer that has a decent gui but not all this (semi) epub, xps, reflow, etc stuff on board? Just the mupdf pdf core.
perhaps the mupdf app for android. Another one is evince for windows: https://portableapps.com/apps/office/evince_portable -- luigi