I'm experimenting with luatex-plain in minimals, cfr. minimals/tex/texmf-context/tex/generic/context All examples are compiled with $> luatex --fmt=luatex-plain.fmt luatex-test.tex luatex-plain.fmt is build with $>luatex --ini luatex-plain.tex This is ok: %luatex-test.tex \pdfoutput=1 \setmplibformat{metafun} \mplibcode beginfig(1) ; draw fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor red withpen pencircle xscaled 4mm yscaled 2mm rotated 30 ; label("Foo",(0bp,0bp)); endfig ; \endmplibcode \end This is wrong: %luatex-test-wrong.tex \pdfoutput=1 \setmplibformat{metafun} \mplibcode beginfig(1) ; draw fullcircle scaled 10cm withcolor red withpen pencircle xscaled 4mm yscaled 2mm rotated 30 ; label(textext("Foo"),(0bp,0bp)); endfig ; \endmplibcode \end Any ideas ? -- luigi