14 Mar
14 Mar
10:17 a.m.
2011/3/14 Aditya Mahajan
The hard part is figuring out the values (font size, spaces after sections, etc) from the LaTeX code. It is difficult to look at http://mirror.hmc.edu/ctan/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/IEEEtran.cls and figure out what is the title size for a 10pt document, or how much space should come between the author block and the start of the two column text, etc.
Erm - is that really needed? Today a typical journal's workflow should accept articles in LaTeX _markup_, convert that to XML and feed it to an XML formatter (which may well use TeX) eventually. I see ConTeXt's role there as the XML formatter. Or it could digest LaTeX markup - but then it would need more than just the layout. Best Martin