Hello, I am just programming a catalog which should be printed. I have a lot of data, text and pictures in a MySQL-database and want to generate a nice catalog with ConTeXt. To get the data from MySQL to ConTeXt I use PHP as an Interface: MySQL -> PHP -> ConTeXt And lot's of ConTeXt-macros will make a nice layout :-) To give something back to this ConTeXt-community, I will put some helpfull PHP-functions into the wiki of contextgarden.net. Today I wrote the function "ConvertToConteXt" which converts special ConTeXt-characters. You can see it below. Before I put it into contextgarden.net ... 1. ... please test it. 2. You see three characters, where I don't know the code-number \char??? for ConTeXt. Do you know them? 3. Did I forget to convert a character? Regards Jannis function ConvertToConteXt ( $xstring ) { /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * author: Jörg Kopp * www.dr-kopp.com * 01.11.2011 * * Convert special ConTeXt-characters with php * Works with PHP5 * * Call it with the string you want to convert ... * ConvertToConteXt ($xstring); * * ... and you get back the converted string * * e.g.: * Input: * $string = "My root-Directory: /home/hans"; * $string = ConvertToConteXt ( $string ); * * Output/Return: * $string = "My root\\char45Directory\\char58 \\char47home\\char47hans"; * * When you write this into a file ... * file_put_contents ( "example.tex", "My root\\char45Directory\char58 \\char47home\\char47hans", FILE_APPEND ); * * ... You will find the following in example.tex: * My root\char45Directory\char58 \char47home\char47hans * * An when you compile example.tex with ConTeXt * context example.text * * You can read the following in the resulting example.pdf: * My root-Directory: /home/hans * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ $xstring = html_entity_decode ( $xstring ); // convert HTML-entities into normal characters $xstring = str_replace ( "!", "\\char33", $xstring ); // Ausrufungszeichen/ConvertToConteXt $xstring = str_replace ( "\"", "\\char34", $xstring ); // Anführungszeichen/quotation mark $xstring = str_replace ( "#", "\\char35", $xstring ); // Raute/number sign $xstring = str_replace ( "$", "\\char36", $xstring ); // Dollar-Zeichen/dollar sign $xstring = str_replace ( "%", "\\char37", $xstring ); // Prozent-Zeichen/percent sign $xstring = str_replace ( "&", "\\char38", $xstring ); // Kaufmännisches Und/ampersand $xstring = str_replace ( "'", "\\char39", $xstring ); // Apostroph/apostrophe $xstring = str_replace ( "(", "\\char40", $xstring ); // Klammer auf/left parenthesis $xstring = str_replace ( ")", "\\char41", $xstring ); // Klammer zu/right parenthesis $xstring = str_replace ( "*", "\\char42", $xstring ); // Stern/asterisk $xstring = str_replace ( "+", "\\char43", $xstring ); // Plus/plus sign $xstring = str_replace ( ",", "\\char44", $xstring ); // Komma/comma $xstring = str_replace ( "-", "\\char45", $xstring ); // Minus/hyphen $xstring = str_replace ( ".", "\\char46", $xstring ); // Punkt/period $xstring = str_replace ( "/", "\\char47", $xstring ); // Schrägstrich/period $xstring = str_replace ( ":", "\\char58", $xstring ); // Doppelpunkt/colon $xstring = str_replace ( ";", "\\char59", $xstring ); // Semikolon/semicolon $xstring = str_replace ( "<", "\\char60", $xstring ); // Kleinerzeichen/less-than $xstring = str_replace ( "=", "\\char61", $xstring ); // Gleichzeichen/equals-to $xstring = str_replace ( ">", "\\char62", $xstring ); // Größerzeichen/greater-than $xstring = str_replace ( "?", "\\char63", $xstring ); // Fragezeichen/question mark $xstring = str_replace ( "@", "\\char64", $xstring ); // at-Zeichen/at sign $xstring = str_replace ( "[", "\\char91", $xstring ); // eckige Klammer auf/left square bracket $xstring = str_replace ( "\\", "\\char92", $xstring ); // Backslash/backslash $xstring = str_replace ( "]", "\\char93", $xstring ); // eckige Klammer zu/right square bracket $xstring = str_replace ( "^", "\\char94", $xstring ); // Zirkumflex/caret $xstring = str_replace ( "_", "\\char95", $xstring ); // Unterstrich/underscore //$xstring = str_replace ( "°", "\\char", $xstring ); // Grad/ < ------ missing $xstring = str_replace ( "`", "\\char96", $xstring ); // accent aigu/acute accent $xstring = str_replace ( "{", "\\char123", $xstring ); // geschweifte Klammer auf/left curly brace $xstring = str_replace ( "|", "\\char124", $xstring ); // Pipezeichen/vertical bar $xstring = str_replace ( "}", "\\char125", $xstring ); // geschweifte Klammer zu/right curly brace $xstring = str_replace ( "~", "\\char126", $xstring ); // Tilde/tilde //$xstring = str_replace ( "•", "\\char", $xstring ); // ?/ < ------ missing //$xstring = str_replace ( "º", "\\char", $xstring ); // ?/ < ------ missing return $xstring; }