Does somebody know whether it is possible and how it is possible to place the caption of a figure in the margin?
yes, actually i implemented this last week but i need to update the
Hello, I want to have captions for figures, listings and other stuff inside the document margin. I saw that somone asked a very similar question 3 years ago: http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20061025.211202.c2e04f8c.en.html details manual; captions can go in margins, hang in centered figures, there is support for all kind of inner/outer alignments etc Hans said, that he had already implemented that feature, but in fact it still doesn't work. So the code \setupcaptions[location=outermargin] \starttext \placefigure{Caption}{\framed{Figuur}} \stoptext still prints no caption at all. Am I missing something? Thank You. Best regards Richard