Broberg, Mats wrote:
However, judging from the documentation on your site, some features that I have read about in LaTeX - such as drop caps, complex headers, cross references, several series of footnotes etc (i.e. the packages "lettrine", "fancyhdr", "varioref" and "ledmac") - don't seem to be available in ConTeXt.
Hello Mats, I agree with you: ConTeXt is certainly superior to LaTeX, but sometimes, I know how to do a special thing in LaTeX, but not in ConTeXt. Often I don't know, if a special feature is already there but undocumented, or not. Sometimes, I find a sort of "workaround" to get some LaTeX behaviour, for example "\flushbottom". For beginners there is the document http://www.berenddeboer.net/tex/LaTeX2ConTeXt.pdf by Berend de Boer. It would be nice, to have something like this for advanced topics, such as varioref or lettrine. These special "LaTeX to ConTeXt" examples can then be added to the ConTeXt-wiki: http://contextgarden.net/From_LaTeX_to_ConTeXt Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/ _____________________________________ FilmSearch engine: http://f-s.sf.net/