On 9/9/20 6:24 PM, Charles Vejnar wrote:
Dear Manuel,
To combine multiple fonts, I do something like this:
\definefallbackfamily [mainface] [serif] [DejaVu Serif][range=boxdrawing,force=yes] \definefontfamily [mainface] [serif] [Tinos] \setupbodyfont[mainface, 11pt]
You might be able to use a Unicode block (ie range) for ancient Greek characters (my range being boxdrawing).
Hi Manuel and Charles, \definefallbackfamily[mainface][rm][New Athena Unicode] [preset=range:greek, force=yes] \definefontfamily[mainface][rm][Libertinus] \setupbodyfont[mainface] \starttext ab τῇ \stoptext Some scripts have predefined ranges thanks to Wolfgang, which avoid specifing all blocks for a given script. Just in case it helps, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk