15 Jun
15 Jun
1:03 a.m.
Joel C. Salomon wrote:
Xan wrote:
I just want to know if there is a symbol that join \ll and = like \leq joins < and =. If not, it's possible to "make" that symbol (that has << in upper and - in bottom; like \leq but with two <<)?
No doubt you _could_ define such a symbol, but what is the meaning of it? The statement “a ≪ b” means a is _much_ less than b; i.e., not anywhere near b, let alone _equal_ to b.
B.T.W., I don’t see this in the Comprehensive LᴬTᴇX Symbol List, but there is Unicode character U+2AA3 [⪣] “Double Nested Less-Than with Underbar”. —Joel Salomon