Hi Mikael, Thanks for your explanation and the example you sent about \definemathsimplealign (I didn’t get immediately that « sesac » in the command \startmathfenced[sesac] means « cases » in reverse or mirrored… I guess this is a wise and humourous choice by Hans :-) ). Regarding \startcases, it seems that it is still not possible to number each equation, but I may be overlooking something. I’ll try a few examples and will let you know, as well as Hans. Best regards: Otared
On 28 Mar 2022, at 23:54, Mikael Sundqvist
wrote: On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 11:23 PM Otared Kavian
wrote: Hi Hans,
Thank you for the new upload and the improvements you mention about the handling of math stuff. Thanks also to Mikael for the follow up of these matters.
I noticed that in math mode the command \cal does not work anymore and one has to use \mathcal. However in almost all of my documents I use Lucida Bright OT, and in some occasions I replace its calligraphic letters by the slots from Asana Math with the following definitions:
\definefallbackfamily[myfont][math][Asana Math] [range={uppercasescript,lowercasescript}]
% lucida font \definefontfamily[myfont][serif][Lucida Bright OT] \definefontfamily[myfont][math][LucidaBrightMathOT] \definefontfamily[myfont][sans][LucidaSansOT] \definefontfamily[myfont][mono][LucidaSansTypewriterOT]
It seems that with the changes made recently the above definitions must be modified in order to have Asana Math show up.
So, I am asking for help from Mikael in this regard…
Hi Otared,
At the moment I don't know how one can use the fallback system with calligraphic/script fonts. Let me explain in a few sentences what we changed. Now we have \mathcal and \mathscr. If the font has both a chancery alphabet and a roundhand alphabet, the goodie file is coded so that \mathcal points to chancery and \mathscr to roundhand. This is the case for Lucida. So, maybe you could try to do \setupbodyfont[lucidadk] and then try \mathscr out. Other fonts that have both variants are stixtwo and xits. The rest have only either chancery style or roundhand style, and there you will get what it has. About \cal I don't know.
Also, it would be nice to have a few explanations about the new stuff in math alignments.
I think the new math alignments are still work in progress. One thing that happens will probably go unnoticed, and that is the spacing. Hans is playing a lot with the new atoms, and right now he is playing(?) with construction atoms, ghosts and fences. There is one new type of alignments, called simplealignments. We can use them for example to collect some equations with a brace (and give the collection one number).
\definemathsimplealign[collecteqequations][ left={\startmathfenced[sesac]}, right=\stopmathfenced, align={1:right,2:left}, ]
\starttext %\showmakeup[mathglue] ${\mathcal ABC}$ and ${\mathscr ABC}$
\placeformula \startformula \startcollecteqequations \NC x \NC = r\sin\theta\cos\phi\NR \NC y \NC = r\sin\theta\sin\phi \NR \NC z \NC = r\cos\theta \NR \stopcollecteqequations \stopformula
\stoptext <220328-5.pdf>