Wow, mathalignment is completely screwed in beta and TL2017. Hans, please fix! --- \starttext \placeformula \startformula \startmathalignment[m=2] \NC a^2 + b^2 \NC= c^2 \NC a^2 + b^2 \NC= c^2 \NR \stopmathalignment \stopformula \stoptext On Tue, 2017-06-06 at 11:06 +1200, Henri Menke wrote:
It seems that \NC in mathalignment is looking ahead for the next \NR, because when I wrap the matrix in an explicit brace group it works fine again:
\definemathmatrix [pmatrix] [left=\left(,right=\right)]
\placeformula \startformula \startmathalignment \NC \sigma_x \NC= {\startpmatrix \NC 0 \NC 1 \NR \NC 1 \NC 0 \NR \stoppmatrix} \NR[+] \stopmathalignment \stopformula
On Tue, 2017-06-06 at 10:26 +1200, Henri Menke wrote:
Dear list,
When I have a mathmatrix inside a mathalignment the numbering using \NR[+] does not work anymore. Instead it prints "[+]" on the next line. I guess the definition of \NR from mathmatrix leaks outside. Affects both TL2017 and latest beta. MWE is below.
Cheers, Henri
\definemathmatrix [pmatrix] [left=\left(,right=\right)]
\startformula \startmathalignment \NC \sigma_x \NC= \startpmatrix \NC 0 \NC 1 \NR \NC 1 \NC 0 \NR \stoppmatrix \NR[+] \NC \sigma_y \NC= \startpmatrix \NC 0 \NC -i \NR \NC i \NC 0 \NR \stoppmatrix \NR[+] \NC \sigma_z \NC= \startpmatrix \NC 1 \NC 0 \NR \NC 0 \NC -1 \NR \stoppmatrix \NR[+] \stopmathalignment \stopformula