On 23 Sep 2017, at 00:30, kaddour kardio
wrote: you should remove the line containing *simplefont*, you don’t have to load it to get a proper import of fonts, besides the TeX Gyre super family is already available with the distribution, either standalone or the texlive distro
without the line containg \usemodule[simplefonts] context will complain about the unknown \setmainfont[] l.13 \setmainfont [TeX Gyre Termes] 3 topspace=0mm, 4 width=140mm, 5 header=25mm, 6 footer=20mm, 7 height=210mm] 8 9 \setupheader[state=empty,no] 10 % \setuppagenumbering[stop] 11 \setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic] 12 % \usemodule[simplefonts][size=12pt] 13 >> \setmainfont[TeX Gyre Termes] 14 \setsansfont[TeX Gyre Heros] 15 \setmonofont[TeX Gyre Cursor] 16 \setupitemize[packed] 17 \setupinterlinespace[line=16pt] 18 19 %% set style of head and foot 20 \setupheader[style=smallcaps] 21 \setupfooter[style=italic] 22 %% set the style of the page number 23 \setuppagenumbering[style=mediaeval,location=]