Am 08.07.2013 um 14:57 schrieb Alan Bowen
In my environment file, I have
\clubpenalty=10000 \widowpenalty=10000
\setuptolerance[vertical,verystrict] \setuptolerance[horizontal,tolerant]
and yet on occasion I still get widow lines.Does any one have suggestions about strategies to remedy this either in general or on a case by case basis? (I am not sure of how to generate an example of the problem or if that would even help.)
1. Do the widow lines only appear in certain cases, e.g. after a heading. 2. Use the context way to change the penalties: \startsetups [mypenalties] \setdefaultpenalties \setpenalties\widowpenalties{3}{10000} % 3 == number of lines, 10000 == penalty between these 3 lines \setpenalties\clubpenalties {3}{10000} \stopsetups \setuplayout[setups=mypenalties] \starttext … \stoptext Wolfgang