14 Mar
14 Mar
10:49 a.m.
-----Message d'origine----- De : ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl [mailto:ntg-context-admin@ntg.nl]De la part de Hans Hagen Envoye : vendredi 14 mars 2003 08:55 A : ntg-context@ntg.nl Objet : RE: Re[2]: [NTG-context] Re: layout of xsteps-p
At 12:05 AM 3/14/2003 +0100, you wrote:
\setupsectionblock[after=\hskip 1cm]
will probably fail since you're in vertical mode
\def\fsection#1{\section{\bf #1}\hskip1cm\relax}
hm, will fail as well,
configuring \setuphead[section] is probably better Yes, I'm going to rewrite this,
But about the title of the document that appears on the right side (vertical), my first mail is about this and I'm running in difficulty. Cheers.