24 Feb
24 Feb
1:32 p.m.
On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 9:12 PM, Alan Bowen
That is what he means, Aditya! *–) Many thanks. A. ah ok. this one \usetypescript[serif,sans,mono][hanging][pure] \setupalign[hanging] \usetypescript[modern-base][texnansi] % a simplified latin-modern typescript \setupbodyfont[reset] \setupbodyfont[modern]
In mkii usually with "font installation" one means run texfont (with appropriate switches ) on a set of fonts . If a font is installed correctly, this font can be "loaded" , or .better, made available to the engine But in in mkiv there is no need for texfont so fonts installation is more easy: just copy them into the right places, and it's all ok. -- luigi