On Wed, 25 Oct 2006 11:02:15 +0200
Steffen Wolfrum
" \hphantom " ! What a promising word for exactly what I needed! Again and again I am surprised how many (strange) commands there exist. Where does \hphantom come frome? Where is it documented?
Thank you for your replies! But it could be even better:
As I need, finally, a construct like ... \writetolist[Test]{}{{\hphantom{999}}{\hfill}\bf{Nicely centers TOC entry}{\hfill}\it 999} ... I would like to make sure that both manually entered numbers are the same (I don't want to risk a typo!).
So I'd like to use something like \def\FakePageNumber{999}, using \FakePageNumber at the beginning and the end of the above line.
The following worked ... \expanded{\writetolist[Test]{}{\hfill {\bf Nicely centers TOC entry} \hfill \FakePageNumber}} ... but not in combination with \MySpace or \hphantom anymore: \expanded{\writetolist[Test]{}{???\hfill {\bf Nicely centers TOC entry} \hfill \FakePageNumber}}
Could someone please help me over this "expanded/argument/ whateveristheproblem" gap?
Thank you very much, Steffen
Am 24.10.2006 um 21:31 schrieb Peter Münster:
On Tue, 24 Oct 2006, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
\def\MySpace {\dosingleempty\doMySpace}
\def\doMySpace[#1]% {\setbox\scratchbox=\hbox{#1}% \unskip\hskip \the\wd \scratchbox}
Or perhaps just:
\starttext Text\hphantom{999}Text \stoptext
Cheers, Peter
Hi Steffen, I presnt you a few solution to your problem, I don't how it should look to you. <example> \def\FakePageNumber{999} \starttext \placecontent \section{Knuth} \input knuth % your solution \expanded{\writetolist[section]{}{\hfill{\bf Nicely centers TOC entry} \hfill\FakePageNumber}} % solution 1 \writetolist[section]{}{\hfill {\bf Nicely centers TOC entry} \hfill \llap{\FakePageNumber}} % solution 2 \writetolist[section]{}{\hfilll bla \hfilll \llap{\FakePageNumber}} % solution 3 \writebetweenlist[section]{\hfilll bla \hfilll \llap{\FakePageNumber}} \section{Knuth} \input knuth \stoptext </example> Wolfgang