28 Jan
28 Jan
9:39 p.m.
Is there a short, simple guide somewhere that shows how to use TTF and OTF fonts in Context? I downloaded the new Fonts chapter but it goes deep into the weeds on typescripts etc. I am looking for a method that allows me to do in Context what I can already do in most other DTP programs: simply designate for use a font or font family that exists in /usr/share/fonts without typescripts, complex and confusing aliasing schemes or tfm files. -- John Culleton Create Book Covers with Scribus: http://www.booklocker.com/p/books/4055.html Typesetting and indexing http://wexfordpress.com book sales http://wexfordpress.net Free barcode: http://www.tux.org/~milgram/bookland/