Am 19.03.2012 um 00:29 schrieb Kip Warner:
On Sun, 2012-03-18 at 16:25 -0700, Kip Warner wrote:
On Sat, 2012-03-17 at 11:21 +0100, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 17.03.2012 um 10:21 schrieb luigi scarso:
Hey list,
Is there any way to hint to ConTeXt that the contents of a \startitemize \stopitemize pair should try to be all on the same page?
On Sat, Mar 17, 2012 at 2:47 AM, Kip Warner
wrote: plain old tex \vbox{% \startitemize \stopitemize% } Better:
You can control the space before/after the linecorrection environment with the optional argument which accepts all values for \blank, e.g. \startlinecorrection[2*line].
Hey Wolfgang,
The good news is that this is probably what I need. The bad news is luatex completely blows itself to pieces, allocating memory until the system crashes.
After much grinding of the machine, I managed to finally SIGSTOP and attach gdb to the naughty process.
I've cc'd the luatex user mailing list since this is probably, I suppose, a luatex issue more than a ConTeXt one.
I am using luatex beta-0.71.0-2012030522 (rev 4364) through context version 2012.03.13 21:26 on amd64 hardware running Ubuntu Maverick.
One other thing that I should have made more clear, this only happens when I insert the aforementioned line correction commands.
Make a example because this works: \starttext %\dorecurse{2}{\input tufte\par} \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte\par} \startitemize[before={\startlinecorrection[blank]},after=\stoplinecorrection] \dorecurse{4}{\startitem \input ward \stopitem} \stopitemize \dorecurse{3}{\input tufte\par} \stoptext Wolfgang