Hi Hans, On Sat, Jan 11, 2025 at 11:48 (+0100), Hans Hagen wrote:
On 1/11/2025 1:47 AM, Jim wrote:
in .../tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/mkiv/grph-inc.lua I see (at line 333) ["jp2"] = { list = { "jp2" } },
That is (AIUI) the proper extension for JPEG2000 (Part 1) images. The JPEG2000 (Part 2) images I looked at have the same magic bytes as listed in line 349 of that file.
AIUI, JPEG2000 (Part 2) images should have the extension .jpx. Is it possible to change line 333 to read
["jp2"] = { list = { "jp2", "jpx" } },
(I hope this is the only change needed.)
I may be the only (vocal) person using .JPX files right now, but in the years to come, who knows how many people will use it?
P.S. I know that I can use \definegraphictypesynonym [jpx] [jp2] but in the interest of helping others who may run into this issue in the future, ...
did you check if pdf viewers can handle both? or is it just a suffix issue
All the PDF viewers (and other tools) I tried can handle JPX files. These include - (ancient) Adobe acroread for Linux - evince - kpdf - firefox and chromium's PDF viewers - emacs' pdfview - xpdf - diffpdf - ghostview - mupdf - qpdfview - okular - zathura - xournal - xournalpp Admittedly, the list isn't exhaustive, but large enough that I think it makes sense to provide support for JPX. It is more than a suffix issue, as (for example) the "file" program knows the different between Part 1 and Part 2 versions of JPEG2000 files. Further, the tool I access to create Part 2 images from (ordinary) JPEGs creates considerably smaller images than the tools I have to create Part 1 images (with no apparent loss of quality). I do not know enough about the differences to comment on the likelihood that a viewer will handle Part 1 but not Part 2, but I can say I haven't seen such a thing yet. (In about a year and a half of using Part 2 images in a monthly newsletter I edit, I have only had one person complain once about not being able to see the images; this person is known to have ancient software on his computer, and he only mentioned it once, which makes me think he used a different program to look at the newsletter one month.) Cheers. Jim