Dnia Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 07:14:58PM -0500, Aditya Mahajan napisał(a):
On Sat, 10 Jan 2009, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to typeset a system of simultaneous equations. I want it to have a brace on the left (like "cases"), but inside I want it to have two columns aligned like "align". Also, I'd like to have the vertical space between the equations be small (like in cases), not so big as in align.
How to do this?
(answers cut) Thank you very much. But one thing still puzzles me: the vertical distance between the cases. How to increase it? (Shouldn't there be a parameter for this? But I couldn't find one...) Thanks in advance -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) Walka trwa! Nie przeciw ciału i krwi, lecz przeciw złym siłom. Naszym ogniem Miłość Boga, naszym mieczem wierność Jego! Walka trwa! (Izaiash)