Thomas A.Schmitz wrote:
On Dec 2, 2005, at 4:42 PM, Tobias Burnus wrote:
LaTeX's german.sty and also ConTeXt provide "ck -> k-k "ll -> ll-l "ff ->ff-f (as in Bierde"ckel, Ro"lladen or Schi"ffahrt).
Thank you, that was it!
Hmm, my Duden of 1996 writes in black "au|�erst" (= new & established spelling), which is in line what I remember. But I see \showhyphens{�u�erstenfalls} be wrongly hyphenated; according to Duden it should be: �u|�ersten|falls (new spelling: �u|�ers|ten|falls). TeX hyphenates here (with deo = established spelling) between the s and the t.
Yes, you're right again; I thought I remembered a rule that there should be no hyphenation in front of �. But hyphenation between s-t is still there, and it shouldn't be in [deo]. Sorry we German- language-users have to bother everybody else with the mess we created.
since context ships with adapted patterns (i.e. generic ones that can be used in more than one encoding) we can add things, just figure it out and let me know Hans