18 May
18 May
7:04 p.m.
Hello Giuseppe, thank you very much for your advice. I moved the metafun.mem from
d:\texmf\miktext\fmt<< to >>d:\texmf\miktext\mem<< and it works perfect.
best wishes, Helmut
Friday, May 16, 2003 Willi Egger wrote:
Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta
WE> Hi Helmut, WE> Though I a m not using Miktex it seems that you might have to make the mem WE> file (format file ) for metafun yourself. WE> texexec --make metafun WE> Keep in mind, that the mem-file is dumped into the directory where you run WE> the texexec command. Worse :) In my MiKTeX distribution it's dumped where the TeX formats are. It has to be moved where the other .mem files are