On Feb 17, 2014, at 4:01 PM, Martin maaca Rehula wrote:
I was using ConTeXt (ages ago) on my Nokia N800. There were/are pre-compiled Debian packages for arm architecture. Try looking this direction.
21:23:53 CET 2014, John Kitzmiller
napsal(a): I attempted to put ConTeXt minimal on Samsung chromebook and got: Error: your system "Linux armv7l" is not supported yet. Please report to the ConTeXt mailing-list (ntg-context@ntg.nl)
This is not a request to support the armv7l (unless it is trivial) but,
is it futile to attempt installing minimal on a chromebook with Intel ATOM N570, or Intel Celeron-867? (If I had them at hand I would try.)
Thank you Martin. I was not clear. I can run Debian and other *nix flavors on the chromebook by various methods and then have ConTeXt, but I would rather not 'dual boot.' What I am after is to have ConTeXt run 'natively,' if that is the right word/concept, on a chromebook core platform. From the chromebook shell I know I can run vim to edit files but I would like to compile them. (Viewing will be the next chapter!)