On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 10:26, Xan wrote:
En/na Mojca Miklavec ha escrit:
You cannot start processing page 500 before you know where page 499 wil end. TeX is not really a kind of application where you would gain a lot by parallelization. And honestly, I don't remember seing many applications using both cores. (Plus: I'm happy if other applications continue to run smoothly instead of being blocked by TeX using 95% of both processors.)
I did not say to process page 500 before the page 499. I just say use all power of the multiple processors.
Well, yes. But you need to delegate a time consuming task A to processor 1 and another time consuming task B to processor 2 where both tasks need to be independent from each other and then you may join the results at the end, else you spend more resources for communication between processors than for actual work.
You can try XeTeX if you want to put load on both processors. It does offer a parallel process as far as I heard,
Is it true?
As Taco confirmed, it seem to run xetex and xdipdfmx in separate processes. Mojca