11 Feb
11 Feb
2:26 p.m.
Dear all. I try to draw a circle with points on it as following: path p; p:= fullcircle scaled 5cm; draw p; pickup pencircle scaled 2mm; k:=1; for i = 2.2,3,3.5,4.5,5,7,0,.7,1.3: drawpoint point i of p; label.lft(decimal k, point i of p); k:= k+1; endfor; It draws a circle, points, label, but unwanted coordinate numbers like (60.43535, 36.97691), too. I didn't see such numbers in any example in metafun document. If I use z[k] like z[k] = point i of P; draw z[k] Then such a long numbers disappeared. Is it the only way to surpress those numbers not using z? Thank you for reading. best regards, Dalyoung