Inspired by Aditya's "make a presentation in 40 commits" example, I have defined my own environment for slides. A part of it looks like this: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \startreusableMPgraphic{header:background} fill OverlayBox leftenlarged BackSpace rightenlarged CutSpace topenlarged TopSpace withcolor OverlayColor ; setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox enlarged max(BackSpace,CutSpace) ; \stopreusableMPgraphic \defineoverlay[header:background][\reuseMPgraphic{header:background}] \define[2]\MySlide{\framed[ frame=off, background=header:background, backgroundcolor=orange, width=\textwidth, align=flushleft ]{#2}} \definehead[slide][subject] \setuphead[slide][ style=\ssb, command=\MySlide, color=white, page=yes, ] \starttext \startslide[title={Slide One}] \vfill text \vfill \stopslide \startslide[title={Slide Two}] \vfill text \vfill \stopslide \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% As you see, I am using \vfill to have the text vertically centered. How do I setup the slide command to do that by default? I have tried putting {before,after,beforesection,aftersection}=\vfill in various combinations in \setuphead, but I cannot obtain the desired effect. Related to the code above, I have another question: if I remove the comma after page=yes, slides are not split into different pages. Is it normal that a comma is required at the end of an argument list? Nicola