On Fri, 27 Jun 2008, Andrea Valle wrote:
Perfect, all seems to work
Great. If you found certain instructions on the wiki confusing, please add details there.
So back to the other questions
- This means I can use something like this if I call the xtx switch?:
\definetypeface[Optima][rm][Xserif][Optima] \definetypeface[Optima][tt][Xmono][LM Typewriter Regular] \definetypeface[Garamond][rm][Xserif][Garamond] \setupbodyfont[Optima]
- How does font selection work under luatex?
I don't know font selection in XeTeX, and understand font selection in luatex only marginally, so I'll let someone else answer this.
- What have I to do to use bibtex?
Suppose your file is called thesis.tex (Ok, I had to test things to ensure what I was saying was true, and that is the only test file that I have currently :). Now run $context thesis This will create a lot of warnings about missing references, ignore them. Then run $bibtex thesis This will create tesis.bbl. Now run context, and all those warnings will be gone. You only need to run bibtex once (unless you change your bib file). This situation is temporary. When Hans implements intermediate run's in mtxrun, you will not need to run bibtex by hand. Aditya