These are the sort of details that we are trying to address with the
new bibliography subsystem. The APA rules (reference: Publication
Manual of the APA, 6th edition) give many special cases, some of which
can be a bit tricky.
The mkii/mkiv bibliography module that you are using does a good job but
is not so sophisticated. The new mkiv rewrite is (unfortunately) still
work in progress and is not quite "production" ready. The new subsystem
was one topic of the recent ConTeXt meeting.
You can continue to address bibliography questions to the list, or to me
directly as I am presently working on this with Hans "in my spare
time" (Luigi and Thomas are also actively involved). This does not
solve your immediate problem, however.
On Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:19:36 +0200
Sander Maijers
Hi all,
I use
This is LuaTeX, Version beta-0.79.1 (TeX Live 2014/dev) (rev 4972)
ConTeXt ver: 2014.09.27 14:46 MKIV beta fmt: 2014.9.30 int: english/english
I want citations to respect APA rules, as described here: http://blog.apastyle.org/apastyle/2011/11/the-proper-use-of-et-al-in-apa-sty... l
*Problem*: when I cite a work with three authors, "et al." appears in the first citation.
\starttext \cite[extras={, p.~3}][Zhou2012] \cite[Zhou2012] \stoptext
Incorrectly produces:
(Zhou et al., 2012, p. 3) (Zhou et al., 2012)
Instead of:
(Zhou, Lyu, & King, 2012, p. 3) (Zhou, Lyu, & King, 2012)
Where the BibTeX entry is
@inproceedings{Zhou2012, address = {New York, New York, USA}, annote = {2/5}, author = {Zhou, Tom Chao and Lyu, Michael R. and King, Irwin}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st international conference companion on World Wide Web - WWW '12 Companion}, doi = {10.1145/2187980.2188201}, isbn = {9781450312301}, keywords = {classification,community question answering,question routing}, month = apr, pages = {783}, publisher = {ACM Press}, title = {{A classification-based approach to question routing in community question answering}}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2187980.2188201}, year = {2012} }
I hope someone can help me with this.
Best regards, Sander Maijers
-- Alan Braslau CEA DSM-IRAMIS-SPEC CNRS URA 2464 Orme des Merisiers 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex FRANCE tel: +33 1 69 08 73 15 fax: +33 1 69 08 87 86 mailto:alan.braslau@cea.fr