Hi all, If you are bored (it is the weekend, after all) please have a look at and consider joining this new Q&A site: http://tex.stackexchange.com/ A blurb to promote the site itself, not by me: <advert> StackExchange is specialized StackOverflow, which is a social website for programmers. StackExchange sites offer moderated (like digg), tagged (like delicious) questions and answers (like traditional mailing lists and forums). Plus avatars and badges for additional fun. For [him], StackExchange works really well for answering what I can and learning from the experts when I can't. Signing up is easy--you can link to your Facebook, Google, or OpenID account so no need to remember another username and password. The TeX SE site is in public beta now and could benefit from more users, more questions, and more answers. </advert> Why I ask: I think the site is a nice idea. For once, I have absolutely nothing to do with its existence, but I am a regular poster there, as are some other context users (Aditya, Patrick). I think this is a nice a idea for a number of reasons, but two reasons stand out. First, if someone asks a question on Google and finds a link to tex.se, they will see a nice website (as opposed to say a mailing list archive) and that will therefore promote TeX in general. Second, this gives us a nice opportunity to promote ConTeXt in a place that is mostly searched by (beginning) LaTeX users. At the moment, there is not that much content about ConTeXt on tex.se, which I think is a shame. I know people are used to this mailing list and the wiki, but please consider to now and then ask a question or write a context answer on tex.se. Best wishes, Taco