2011/1/28 Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.
- But I'm wondering about why 'mtxrun' doesn't find the 'context.lua' today although it did yesterday.
No idea. ConTeXt beta didn't change since yesterday at all.
(I'm aware of cache directory, in my case at 'c:\ConTeXt\tex\texmf-cache\luatex-cache\context\f53042fa2e1c106bc7e3383ec8c3a00c\'. Does Ctx/mxtrun generate also any [temporary] files elsewhere, e.g. in "Document and Settings" or "Application Data" or where TMP/TEMP system variable points?)
No. In MikTeX the cache is generated somewhere else, but ConTeXt doesn't touch anything. (Vyatcheslav's installer sets PATH, but normal installer doesn't.)
Could you explain, please?
I don't know what the explanation could be. I tried to delete texmf-cache and run the installer again, but I didn't experience any problem. (Yesterday first-setup.bat file was a bit faulty, but now it should be fixed.) Mojca