15 Jan
15 Jan
7:44 p.m.
On Thursday 15 January 2009 12:18:20 pm Hans Hagen wrote:
Bart C. Wise wrote:
\TreatFirstLine {\sc} {} {} { }
^ space
Your output looks great. However, with the code below, I still get no spaces on the first line.
because (as i mentioned in the mail) you need to add a space as fourth argument
\TreatFirstLine {\sc} {} {} { }
\TreatFirstLine {\sc} {} {} {\space}
(i get the impression that your mail client behaves strange and mangles the mails; at least here i get funny formatted mails; do you use html mail?)
I don't use html mail (kmail), so it used a proporational font. So your "^ space" was pointing to the space between the first and second paragraphs! My bad. It works! Thanks, Bart