<--- On Jan 16, Hans Hagen wrote --->
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
David Arnold wrote:
And where should we put this module temporarily?
Put it in the local directory and do
\input math-ext
at the top of your test files.
attached is a next version with 'definable' aligns
\startmyalign ...
The following works as expected. \def\startsplit {\startalign[*]} % no number by default \def\stopsplit {&\doalignNR[+][]\crcr % for a number on last line \stopalign} \placeformula \startformula \startsplit a &= b \\ &= c \stopsplit \stopformula It seems that you are still thinking about [#2] in the definition of \definealign. Can it be such that, \definealign[gather][n=1,align={middle}] \definealign[lgather][n=1,align={left}] \startformula \startgather a = b + c \\ e = f \stopgather \stopformula results in center aligned equations a = b + c e = f and \startformula \startlgather a = b + c \\ e = f \stoplgather \stopformula results in left aligned equations a = b + c e = f Thanks, Aditya -- Aditya Mahajan, EECS Systems, University of Michigan http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~adityam || Ph: 7342624008