[oops, tex file attached this time] Dear gang, I am trying to create a grid background based on strut depth, so each line of text lies right in between the top and bottom of the respective strut. I borrowed some code from the wiki, and need help to solve the following [and I'm no metapost guru...]: 1. Line 31, 2nd line of pdf: How can I keep \framed[align={r2l,middle}] and get the interstrutline to still span the textwidth. In other words, every strutline should be of textwidth, regardless of alignment 2. Compare pages 2 and 3: page 2 has extra space at the top, perhaps a skipped line. How can I suppress that so that the first line always starts at the top of the textblock? 3. On page 3: How can I control the continuation of the strutlines past the final textline? What if, eg, I wanted to fill the rest of the page with strutlines? 4. How can I change the width and color of the strutline itself? 5. I use \setuplayout[grid=on], but I'm not sure that guarantees a grid ... \start-\stoplinecorrection seems to give a different result. [\showgrid seems broken so I can't directly compare]. Any tips to guarantee a grid? 6. Is there a way to pass the interstrutline background to \framed [so I don't have to type \start-\stopinterstrutline etc]? This kind of gridded background is very common in eg, the Arabic-script tradition, although it has many pedagogical and other uses as well. A general strutline mechanism might make a good addition to the distribution, or at least a nice module... Any help or tips to improve this background will be greatly appreciated! Best wishes Idris -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523