Hi Willi, Thanks for the examples, they'll sure be useful. But I realize I have not been precise enough in my post. The point is that \startMPcode fill fullcircle scaled 1cm withcolor red ; \stopMPcode works, while \startMPcode label.top("Some label", (1cm,1cm)) ; \stopMPcode produces some garbage between "Some" and "label", and \startMPcode label.top(btex Some label etex, (1cm,1cm)) ; \stopMPcode doesn't work at all. Sorry for being that vague. David On 2003-12-14 07:01:34, Willi Egger wrote :
Hi David,
The use of the different possibilities of including metapost graphics in ConTeXt are described in the METAFUN-manual on pages 9, 81-82, 115
For your refernce I attach a small demo file using your code ...
Kind regards Willi
David Munger wrote:
The following code results in no label output:
\starttext \startMPcode label.top(btex Some label etex, (1cm,1cm)) ; \stopMPcode \stoptext
I'm using ConTeXt 2003.12.12.
By the way, why don't \startMPgraphic and \stopMPgraphic do anything?