Dnia Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:56:32AM +0100, Wolfgang Schuster napisał(a):
2008/10/25 Marcin Borkowski
: Dnia Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 02:58:24AM +0200, Diego Depaoli napisał(a):
2008/10/23 Wolfgang Schuster
: \def\ItemNumber#1% {\expandafter\doItemNumber#1..\relax}
\def\doItemNumber#1.#2.#3\relax {\doifelsenothing{#2} {#1} {#2}}
Since I don't speak that language, someone could explain why this code doesn't work when I put a stopper in subitemization? The standard dot isn't a stopper itself?
This code seems to work (approximately) like this: it expands the "full" reference, which is: <number> <dot> <number> <dot>
and selects "everything from the first dot up to the second one (w/o the dots themselves). So I consider it to be a bit dirty hack (sorry, Wolfgang;)), in a sense that it is not very flexible. It's just hack at user level, a dirty hack would redefine core macros but this is what I try to avoid.
OK, sorry - probably we have different semantics of "dirty" (or, more probably, we're talking about different "levels" of dirtiness). Here I meant roughly that this hack is not very flexible.
If your stopper is, say ")" (and the second one, say, "]", so you have references in a strange form like "1)2]"), you might want to say something like \def\doItemNumber #1)#2]#3\relax (the space after \doItemNumber is gobbled by TeX, so it might be present here or not, it is a matter of taste only). If you have different stoppers, another approach might be reasonable. I can see two possibilities: 1. Get to know _where_ ConTeXt really keeps the relevant info about labels; if the info about the values (w/o stoppers) is preserved, we are saved, if not, we've got a problem; 2. so in the latter case we have to (?) use this kind of hacky solution, which might be something like this (assuming that \stopper and \stopperr are the first- and second level stoppers respectively):
\edef\sometemporarymacroname{% \def\noexpand\doItemNumber ##1\stopper ##2\stopperr ##3\relax {\noexpand\doifelsenothing{##2} {##1} {##2}}% }% \sometemporarymacroname
(I'm not sure whether the last percentage sign is needed, but a good rule of thumb is to put them everywhere after <closing brace> <newline>, so that the newlines don't get translated into spaces.)
You don't need the comment sign at the end of the macro in outer level but you need it for local definitons in other macros if your're in horizontal mode.
Shame on me, being a mathematician and being sooo imprecise:):)
I'm not sure whether this works, though, *please* check it and tell me (maybe I'm doing some stupid error, please the TeX gurus correct me if yes). I hope this is ok, though, because then it my first post to this list containing actually an _answer_ and not a _question_:))).
Thanks to explain my solution.
You're welcome:).
Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) Jeść. Pić. Spać. Wstać. Kupić. Sprzedać. Mieć. Możesz więcej chcieć - czegoś więcej! (40i30na70)